W. B. Yeats (13 June, 1865 in Sandymount Avenue, Dublin – 28 January 1939, at Roquebrune, France)
1865 Birth of William Butler Yeats, the first child of John Butler Yeats and Susan Mary Pollexfen Yeats.)
1872 Susan Yeats and her children move from London to Sligo, in the west of Ireland.
1881 Yeats enrolled (until 1884) at the Erasmus Smith High School, London
1884 Yeats enrolled at Metropolitan School of Art, Dublin. There he will meet George Russell (AE), who will be a lifelong friend.
1889 Publication of The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems.
1897 Publication of The Secret Rose.
1889 Publication of The Wind among the Reeds.
1900 Publication of the first version of The Shadowy Waters.
1909 Death of Synge.
1911 Yeats meets Ezra Pound in Paris.
1914 Publication of Responsibilities.
1917 Purchase of a Norman stone tower in Co. Galway, which Yeats names ThoorBallylee.
In September he proposes marriage to GeorgieHye-Lees, who accepts him.
1921 Publication of Michael Robartes and the Dancer, and Four Years.
1922 Dinner with T. S. Eliot, who has recently published The Waste Land.
1923 In November, Yeats awarded Nobel Prize, and travels to Stockholm.
1925 In January, a visit to Italy – Yeats sees Byzantime art in Sicily.
1926 Publication of a limited edition of A Vision (dated 1915)
1928 Publication of The Tower.
1933 Publication of his last prose fiction, Stories of Michael Robartes and His Friends, to be included in A Vision (1937)
1934. Publication of Collected Plays.
1939 Postumous publication of Last Poemsand Two Plays and On the Boiler.